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Munch BDSM : Free and friendly meetings!

But what is a Munch?

Have you ever imagined a place where you could talk openly about your wildest fantasies, your most "deviant" inclinations, without being judged and without people looking at you with big eyes?

You guessed it, munchers are exactly that kind of place!

You will discover that the people who hide behind the nicknames are neither aliens, nor royalty living in castles, nor playboys and pin-ups out of fashion catalogs, but human beings rich in their diversity and sincerity, with their strengths and weaknesses, like everyone else.

You will see the birth of friendships, sometimes even love, but also projects.

What is most important is that there is no room for judgment in a munch. You can talk about your questions, about what you have experienced, what you are experiencing or what you would like to experience, without fearing the judgement of others. The munch will allow you to exchange information about events in the area, about BDSM practices and the equipment used, as well as about the rules of caution to adopt during play sessions.

Munch meetings are generally organized to inform people who are not initiated to BDSM about what this lifestyle has to offer. However, those of you who have been practicing for years are welcome to join us. It goes without saying that the basis of the munch is the exchange between experienced people and those who wish to acquire experience.

Participation in the munch is free of charge. There is no obligation to attend the munch, except to exchange ideas in a respectful, fun and friendly manner.

Before embarking on new adventures, it makes sense to take the time to answer some of your questions, especially if you are new to the business. So, if you want to learn about the different practices that BDSM encompasses, and learn more about the experiences that are possible through this lifestyle, we invite you to start by going to one of our munch.

Every Friday in April, our munch will take place in a café bistro in Ahuntsic, a few minutes from the Henri-Bourasssa station: Bus 55 or Bus 121 from the Sauvé or Côte Vertu metro.

The Boulevard Café Bistro Lounge welcomes you with free pool and $1 shooters.

See you there!

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J'aimerais savoir c'est quand la prochaine rencontre prévue.


Apr 07, 2022

Vraiment génial. MERCI de nous aider à faire des rapprochements avec la réalité de l'univers du BDSM et de ses nombreuses pratiques. Et je pèse mes mots.

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