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Taste of BDSM

Public·309 membres

question. il y a des endroit plus propice pour rencontre des personne kinky car jaimerais bien allez a votre soiree taste of bdsm mais jai limpression que dy allez seul est un peu triste

Ann L
Ann L
May 13, 2023

hi puce.0,

let me reply in english cos im allo.

i am a F33, and I am discovering bdsm scene here in mtl.

it is (justifiably) assumed that people who come on their own are not yet out in their vanilla life, and therefore are looking to connect to bdsm world and learn more. There’s air of respect and (understandably so) curiosity around single people in a dungeon. i went to my first event at Opalace on my own, and i felt nothing but respect that came in the form of friendliness and openness yet safeguarding privacy. another option is to look for munches – it’s when people gather in a vanilla setting (like a yoga studio) and one can look for connections in a more daytime-friendly atmo. Good luck!

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